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The Influence of Unmanned Stores on Consumer Behavior: Taking 7-11 smart vending machines as an example




販賣機 無人商店 行動支付


In recent years, following the development of technology and change of environment, people get used to mobile payment method. According to Institute for Information Industry of Taiwan 2019 report, the popularity rate of using mobile payment has reached 62.2% that made the unmanned store become feasibility. Owing to the low gross profit and the high labor cost, it is the primary goal for retailers to reduce the cost. Thus, through smart system and smart system, the new development items, buyers do not have to line up to pay the bill. The unmanned store operation has become a new trend globally. On the other hand, pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019, unmanned store has the advantage to take care of public interest and public health to avoid short distance contact between people. It helps retailer industry not to go in to recession. Therefore, the study research wants to explore the transformation of consumer behavior on the emergence of the unmanned store. The study applied Google table survey, and the effective questionnaires are 447 copies. The study used SPSS for further data analysis.


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