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Constructing a Vehicle Routes Planning System for an Animal Feed Plant




Taking Taiwanese animal feed industry as an example, this paper explores how to construct a computerized vehicle routes planning system that conforms to the company's policy, meets customer needs, driver's willingness to transport, and hardware environment restrictions, and reduces the overall transportation cost. Using the methods and tools of systems analysis and design, this study starts with the following dimensions to carry out systematic planning and design: (1) the review and formulation of company policy: with the introduction of new planning technologies and concepts, a systematic review and re-engineering of the company's policies is carried out; (2) data collection: to meet the driver's willingness and the customer needs, this study obtains the driver's willing and customer needs through individual interviews and questionnaires; (3) construction of the transportation network data: the tools and technology of electronic maps, global positioning system and statistical regression analysis are used in constructing the transportation network data; and instead of the traditional use of distance, the transportation time is used; (4) solution of the core problem: with the concept of initialized dispatching, a new cluster-first route-second heuristic combined with random search mechanism is proposed to solve the core problem of multi-compartment vehicle routing; (5) linkage and testing of the system: design the interfaces between the system and the relevant systems within the company, and then perform the system testing.


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