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Building, optimizing and integrating a cancer registry review operating system guided by green information




In Taiwan, cancer has been ranked first among the top ten causes of death among for many years since 1982. Therefore, the Ministry of Health and Welfare issued an executive order in 1979 to require hospitals with more than 50 beds to report cancer registration data to the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Executive Yuan to establish a local cancer registration database. As a policy promotion and monitoring reference for cancer screening and diagnosis and treatment, the accuracy of cancer registration data is really important. The cancer registration review mechanism is a necessary work to ensure the quality of cancer registration data. However, for shortening the process of cancer registration review paperwork and avoid typing mistakes and in line with the global trend of green information paperless, built a cancer registration review system, and continued to optimize and integrate related operating systems using the experience of the implementtation process. Finally, the cancer registration review operation time was successfully reduced from an average of 508 minutes per quarter to 171 minutes per quarter, the goal of paperless operation process is also implemented. Through the time saved by the improvement of this project, cancer registrars can focus more on the extraction and data analysis of cancer registration medical records, and provide complete and accurate cancer registration big data. To facilitate the implementation of cancer-related research and public health policies, and to improve the health and well-being of the people.


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