



下咽癌 遠處轉移 頭皮


Malignant neoplasms of the hypopharynx account for approximately 8% to 10% of all head and neck cancers. Hypopharyngeal carcinoma has a relatively higher distant metastasis rate due to late presentation and a more advanced stage. Among the head and neck cancers that have cutaneous metastasis, the skin of the neck has the most frequent rate. To the English literatures that have been published, there are no related report of scalp metastasis from Hypopharyngeal carcinoma. We reported a 53 year-old man with complaints of hoarseness and right neck mass for 3 months. On the transnasal fibroptic examination, a bulging mass from the right pyriform sinus was found, and right vocal cord paralysis was noted. An incisional biopsy was exerted in the operation room under general anesthesia, and squamous cell carcinoma was reported. Total hypophary-ngolaryngectomy with bilateral neck dissection was performed. Furthermore, he received postoperative adjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Ten months after surgery, multiple nodule-like lesions were found in the scalp. The lesions showed intact skin with the appearance of hair loss. Needle aspiration revealed metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. He received palliative chemotherapy for the distant metastasis to the scalp. He died of sepsis 6 months later.

