

嗅神經母細胞瘤是一種源自嗅覺上皮之罕見惡性腫瘤,約佔所有鼻內惡性腫瘤的3%,散見於各個年齡層,但其中11-20歲及51-60歲兩個區間有較多病例報告,在性別分布上則大致相當。由於在各個獨立機構治療的數目很少,因此大型協同追蹤研究十分困難,造成治療方面,至今仍無可被廣泛接受之最佳方案。本院在此報告3例病例,依Kadish分期分別為stage C、B及A,治療方式分別為未治療、手術合併放射治療、及單一手術。並就嗅神經母細胞瘤之症狀、診斷、分期、治療方法及預後分別加以討論。


Esthesioneuroblastoma (ENB), a very rare tumor, comprises only 3% of intranasal malignant tumors. ENB can occur in all age groups, but has a particularly high prevalence between age 11 to 20 and 51 to 60. The distribution of ENB between genders is roughly equal. As the tumor is rare, the number of ENB cases treated in individual departments is generally quite small. As a consequence, data from large series and follow-up case studies are limited, and optimal treatment remains controversial. We report three cases of ENB treated with three different strategies. The first case was Kadish stage C, in a patient who did not receive any treatment. The second case was Kadish stage B, in a patient who received surgery combined with radiotherapy. The third was Kadish stage A, in a patient who received surgery only. The symptoms, diagnosis, stage, treatment and the prognosis of ENB are discussed.


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