

血管瘤好發於身體上半部,超過一半的比例位於頭頸部區域,發生於鼻竇之血管瘤並不常見,其中源自上頜竇者極少。病因不明,女性多於男性,臨床症狀多半為非特異性的,包括單側鼻塞、流鼻血等。治療方式以外科手術切除病灶為主。本病例為一14歲女性病患,因左側鼻塞持續數年,於2005年6月至本院求診,理學檢查發現左側中鼻道有一腫塊,電腦斷層顯示腫塊侷限於上頜竇內。病患於同年7月先接受腫瘤血管栓塞後,再以Caldwell-Luc approach將腫瘤切除,術後追蹤一年,無復發現象。


上頜竇腫瘤 血管瘤


Hemangiomas are common in the upper portion of the body. More than half of all hemangiomas are located in the head and neck area, and those that arise from paranasal sinuses are extremely rare. The etiology of this disease is unclear. Women are affected more than men. The clinical symptoms are always non-specific, including unilateral nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Surgical resection is usually used for symptomatic tumors. In June 2005, we encountered a case of 14 year-old girl who suffered from left nasal obstruction for several years. On physical examination, a clear-bright tumor in the left side middle meatus was noted. The angiography demonstrated a highly vascular tumor which the arterial supply came from a branch of left maxillary artery. Excision of the tumor was accomplished by Caldwell-Luc approach following the embolization in the next day. One year after surgery, the patient remained disease free without any evidence of recurrence.


maxillary sinus neoplasm hemangioma

