  • 期刊


The Basic Technique of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery


鼻及鼻竇內視鏡手術法(Endoscopic Sinus Surge,簡稱ESS)的精神是依據Messerklinger的原理及方法經Stammberger發展而成。以精確的術前診斷,利用內視鏡清楚的視野,以精巧的手術技術,可做局部病灶摘除或擴展至全副鼻竇切開術,甚至於延伸至鼻周邊器官。其主要強調大部分副鼻竇炎只要將鼻竇通道保持通暢,以利通氣及引流,雖不必直接進入主要鼻竇,亦可使其鼻竇黏膜恢復機能。ESS首重術中清晰的視野及定位,即須避免術中出血及正確內視鏡使用及熟悉鼻內的解剖構造。完善的術前準備,完全的局部麻醉,避免黏膜不必要的傷害爲避免出血的要件。ESS的傳統器械性調有切割(through-cutting)避免剝離的功能,因此研發出顯微吸絞器(Microdebridor)或雷射的使用皆避免使黏膜撕裂傷。若術中出血,影響手術即停止手術,用Epinephrine棉條填塞止血,若有血管噴血可用鉗子夾住或電燒止血。若遇構造複雜不明情況,無法由CT及術中內視鏡清楚定位時,需暫停手術,研究相關位置,可藉由探針探查或吸管丈量深度及角度來判斷,或用C-arm或透照法(Transillumination)或環鑽法(Trephination)定位,現更有電腦影像導引系統(Computer image navigator system)隨時可知手術位置。手術次序通常由前往後開:鉤突,篩泡,基板,後篩竇,蝶竇而後往前至額竇及上頜竇,如此可由已打開的構造來辨知手術方向。Wigand主張亦可由後往前開:蝶竇、後篩竇、前篩竇、而後額竇、上額竇。手術的範圍通常由術前的CT及術中的發現而訂。沒有明顯病灶的鼻竇不要隨便打開,以免造成術後感染。鼻竇造口並非愈大愈好。若有獨立鼻竇病灶則可由另外的途徑直接進入鼻竇內。至於中鼻甲及鼻中隔的處理原則首重避免中鼻甲外移,黏膜黏連(adhesion),阻塞引流,並促進術後的觀察清創。


Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS) is based on the principles of Messerklinger and Stammberger theory and technique. The successful factors of ESS are precisely preoperative diagnosis, clear endoscopic visual field and delicately operative technique. ESS can be a limited surgery to local diseased sinus or pansinusectomy. The operative field may also be extended to neighboring organs around the sinus. It is not necessary to resect the sinus but just to keep pathway of sinus patent to improve ventilation and drainage. Clear operative field depends on less bleeding, skillful manipulation of endoscope and knowledge of regional anatomy. Satisfactory premedication, complete local anesthesia, less trauma to mucosa are necessary to prevent bleeding. For less trauma to mucosa, the traditional instruments of ESS need to have the function of through-cutting. Newly powered instruments and laser focus on preventing tearing of mucosa. When active bleeding interferes the surgical field, operation needs to be stopped and controls bleeding with epinephrine cotton packing or local cauterization. When the complicated anatomic structure cannot be orientated by CT scan or endoscopic finding needs to stop procedure, we should investigate the surgical anatomy by probe or suction tube to check the angle and depth of organ from the nasal columella or by using C-arm, transillumination, trephination or even Computer Image Navigator System to orientate where we are. The process of ESS is from uncinate process, ethmoid bulla ,basal lamella, posterior ethmoid, sphenoid sinus, then proceeding forward to frontal and maxillary sinus, but Wigand likes reversed process (from posterior to forward). This process may prevent troublesome bleeding. The extension of ESS depends on the preoperative CT scan and operative endoscopic findings. The isolated lesion may be treated directly, not necessarily through ordinary process. It is not allowed to open the healthy sinus abruptly. The opening of ostium of sinus is not ”the wider the better”. The principles of management of nasal septum and middle turbinate emphasize on improving physiological function of sinuses, postoperative care and preventing lateralization, synechia of middle turbinate and obliteration of middle meatus.
