

背景:一側突發性耳聾發作數年後,對側又再次發作者,謂之異側再發之突發性耳聾,在文獻報告上罕見。 方法:自1991年5月至1997年5月,6年間計7名病人,男女比例5:2。於住院期間每日予以聽力檢查,以評估病患改善之程度,並於門診追蹤聽力之變化。 結果:兩次發作之間隔平均為5年,有5/7的病人具有其他疾病之既往歷。發作時之聽力圖型不一,且預後不佳,八成以上之病耳聽力無變化。 結論:兩耳交替發作的突發性耳聾患者,多有既往歷。由於罕見,因此臨床表徵至為重要,有助於闡明本症的病態生理學,俾能給予有效的治療。


Background: Recurrent episode of sudden deafness over the opposite side after several years of the previous attack were noted and coined as ”contralateral recurrent sudden deafness”. Methods: There were 7 cases experienced from May, 1991 to May, 1997. Five were men and two were women. Audiometry and nystagmography were performed everyday while admissions, and every 2 weeks for 3 months after discharge. Results: The mean interval between two episodes were 5 years. Five of the 7 cases had systemic diseases in the past history. Poor prognosis was noted despite treatment. Conclusions: Since contralateral recurrent sudden deafness is rare, detailed recording of clinical features become very much important, in order to elucidate its pathophysiology in the future.

