  • 期刊


Effect of Hypercholesterolemia on Equilibrium Function of Vertigo Patients


背景:隨著攝食熱量增加與飲食內容的改變,國人高膽固醇血症的罹患率,已有逐漸增加的趨勢。在過去的報告中,已知高膽固醇血症對聽覺功能的影響在造成患者的超高頻聽力喪失,至於其對於平衡功能的影響,則是本研究的主題。 方法:自1991年9月至1994年8月計三年間,台大醫院耳鼻喉部共3360名頭暈、耳鳴、重聽等門診新鮮患者,將其血液生化及平衡功能檢查結果,進行分析比較。 結果:罹患高膽固醇血症者共計307名,其中診斷為高膽固醇血症前庭病變者142名,中樞性眩暈者83名,末梢性前庭病變者54名,其他診斷者28名。在高膽固醇血症前庭病變患者的眼振電圖檢查結果中,以出現異常之視運動性後眼振之頻率最高(74%)。而對於中樞性眩暈及末梢性前庭病變中,診斷較為明確的椎基底動脈循環不全症(25名)及美尼爾氏症(10名)之高膽固醇血症患者,其眼振電圖檢查結果亦僅視運動性後眼振檢查一項,與非高膽固醇血症患者之對照組呈現統計學上的差異。 結論:高膽固醇血症對於眩暈患者平衡功能之影響,在眼振電圖檢查結果上,主要是呈現異常的視運動性後眼振。


Background: The incidence of hypercholesterolemia has gradually increased owing to the changes in diet habits. In our previous studies we have reported the ultrahigh frequency hearing loss caused by hypercholesterolemia. The main concern of the present study is to evaluate the effect of hypercholesterolemia on equilibrium function of vertigo patients. Methods: We retrospectively review the laboratory data and equilibrium function test results of 3360 fresh cases with inner ear symptoms who visited the National Taiwan University Hospital from September, 1991 to August, 1994. Data of hyperlipidemic patients were compared with age, sex-matched control groups and were statistically analysed. Results: three hundred and seven patients of this series sustain hypercholesterolemia, of whom 142 have hyperlipidemic vestibular disorders, 83 have central vertigo, 54 suffer from peripheral vertigo, and the rest 28 are others. Abnormal optokinetic after nystagmus (OKAN) is the most frequent finding(74%) in patients with hyperlipidemic vestibular disorders. Statistical differences in OKAN also exist between hypercholesterolemic and cholesterol-normal groups in the entities of vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency and Meniere’s disease. Conclusion: Abnormal OKAN is the main abnormal ENG finding of hypercholesterolemic vertigo patients.
