

人工電子耳作為先天性(congenital)或後天性(acquired)極重度感音性聽障瘧從的治療工具,已廣被接受。本科經歷1例6歲男童,為一先天性聽障,於民國84年3月接受左耳核式22頻人工電子耳(Nucleus 22 channel conchlear implant device)植入術。術後數月追蹤發現聽力急速退步,電流圖之電流量增高而且只有幾個電極可用,進一步作放射線檢查發現電極滑脫(cochlear reimplantation),術後聽能狀況明顯改善並繼續門診追蹤至今。本科在訓練有素的醫療團隊分工合作之下,故能在很短時間內為本病例進行再植入,因此將此一經驗與反應模式供各界參考。


Cochlear implantation is commonly used to benefit patients with either congenital or acquired bilateral sensori-neural profound deafness. Electrode related problems, such as displacement or slipping are most common reasons for revision or re-implantation. We experienced a case of 6-year-old boy with congenital deafness. He received cochlear implantation with a Nuclear 22-channel device in the left ear on March 17, 1995. However, the electrode was considered to be slipped out of the cochlear six months later by evidences of deteriorated speech perception and image study. Therefore, he received a reinsertion of a Nucleus 22-channel device on October 23, 1995. After that he regained his capability of perceiving everyday auditory signals. Cochlear implantation is not an once-for-all surgery. Doctors should keep highly alert and work closely with the audiologists, speech therapists and otologists so that early detection and prompt treatment can be done as quickly as possible if any complication occurred.
