

背景:扁桃周膿瘍為門診常見之頭頸部感染,廷誤治療可能增加深頸部感染的機會。本文針對好發年齡、致病菌種、平均住院日數、治療方式如以分析統計。 方法:自1996年2月至3月,本科共經歷107例扁桃周膿瘍病例,年齡自6歲至80歲不等,平均32.8歲。住院期間均接受抽血、胸部x光檢查並接受抗生素治療。 結果:107例病例中,其中有4例有2次發作之病史;左側68例,右側40例,雙側1例。年齡方面以21至30歲為好發年齡。發病月份以8月、10月、3月為多。臨床症狀以咽喉疼痛最常見。平均住院日數為4.2日。入院時抽血白血球低於10,000/mm3佔15.3%,判於10,000至20,000/mm3佔68.5%,高於20,000/mm3有16.2%。致病菌種方面:以α-streptococcus最常見(38.9),其次是hemophilus parainfluenza (98%)及 Group A s-hemolytic streptococcus (8%) 結論:針抽或切開引流可以快速緩解扁桃周膿瘍所造成的症狀,引流之後須採得有效的檢體及選用合適的抗生素治療,才是有效治療扁桃周膿瘍,縮短住院天數、防止併發症的不二法門。


BACKGROUND: Peritonsillar abscesses are common infections of the head and neck. If treatment is delayed, the risk of deep neck infection increases. Clinical data relating to age, microbiology, duration of hospitalization, and treatment modalities for 107 cases are analyzed and discussed in this article. METHODS: Data relating to 107 peritonsillar abscess cases between February 1996 and March 2000 were collected. Patients ranged between six and 80 years of age. Routine blood results, biochemical results and chest X-rays were obtained. All underwent incision and drainage or needle aspiration of the pus, which was then sent for culture after which appropriate antibiotics were selected for treatment. RESULTS: Most peritonsillar abscesses occurred in patients aged between 21 and 30. The most common clinical symptom was a sore throat, followed by odynophagia and trismus. Mean hospitalization was 4.2 days. The three most common infective organisms were α-streptococcus (38.9%), hemophilus parainfluenza (8%) and group A s-hemolytic streptococcus (8%). CONCLUSION: Incision and drainage or needle aspiration achieved immediate relief of the symptoms caused by the peritonsillar abscess. Appropriate antibiotic therapy reduced complication rates and shortened the duration of hospitalization.


Chen, J. J. (2015). 利用阻抗頻譜分析擷取介面及塊體在有機自旋閥傳輸性質的貢獻 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11210

