  • 期刊


Exostosis of Bilateral External Auditory Canal Following Long-term Sauna


有關外耳道外生骨疣的報告,患者大都是長時間在冷水游泳或衝浪等活動引起的,因三溫暖活動頭部浸泡冷水引起的情形則沒被報告過。我們經歷1名52歲男性患者,主訴右側耳漏及聽力障礙3個月。病史上他在三溫暖活動時,將頭浸泡在冷水的習慣動作有30年。檢耳鏡檢查,兩側外耳道都有骨質增生並阻塞外耳道。純音聽力檢查,平均聽力,左耳20 dB正常,右耳是混合性聽障,氣導爲65 dB,有35 dB氣導股導差距(A-B gap)。高解析電腦斷層攝影顯示兩側外耳道骨質增生及狹窄。患者在全身麻醉下右耳接受以骨鑽磨除外生骨疣手術。手術後追蹤,右側外耳道已通暢,手術後聽力爲33 dB,比手術前進步了32 dB。


外生骨疣 外耳道 膽脂瘤


Repeated stimulation by cold water is usually the cause of exostosis and this has been well report in patients who regularly swim or surf in cold water. Other activities that inducing exostosis such as taking a sauna have been less reported. A 52 year-old male was diagnosed with exostosis of the bilateral external auditory canal. It had been his habit for thirty years to submerge his head into cold water while taking a sauna. Local findings revealed bilateral external auditory canal stenosis due to bony overgrowth such that the ear-drum could not be seen. The PTA revealed normal hearing in the left ear and mixed type hearing loss in the right ear. The air conductive hearing was found to be 65 dB and A-B gap was 35 dB. The axial view of a HRCT scan showed bilateral and broad based bony growth arising from the tympanic bone of external ear canal and this was the cause of the stenosis. Canalplasty of right ear was carried out using cutting a cutting bur to remove the exoxtosis. The external auditory canal of the right ear was found to be patent after operation and the hearing threshold was now 33 dB, an improvement 32 dB.
