

我們報告1名復發性鼓室球瘤併發耳源性腦膿瘍的病例。患者為54歲女性,有右耳鼓室球瘤病史,7年前曾行外科手術切除治療。入院前5天出現發熱、頭痛及暈眩症狀。電腦斷層掃瞄右側外耳及中耳顯是增強的軟組織影,乳突出現密度增高影像沒有侵犯腦組織。腦部核磁共振顯示右側小腦環狀增強病灶。最終患者在完全切除鼓室球瘤、膽脂瘤及小腦膿瘍後痊癒。在本病例中,小腦膿瘍是復發的鼓室球瘤合併膽脂瘤的併發症。故我們建議用外科手術需徹底清除腫瘤等相關感染病灶避免耳源性腦膿瘍致命的併發症。(台耳醫誌 2014;49:55-60)


We described one case of a recurrent glomus tympanicum complicated by an otogenic cerebellar abscess which is very rare clinical disorder. A 54-year-old woman had a history of a right glomus tympanicum and undergone surgical excision 7 years ago. She complained of fever, headaches and vertigo for 5 days. Brain computed tomography (CT) revealed enhanced soft tissue in the right external and middle ear with cloudiness of mastoid air cells without invasion of the brain tissue. Brain magnetic resonance image (MRI) showed a ring-enhancing lesion in the right cerebellum. The cerebellar abscess was a complication resulting from the recurrent glomus tympanicum with cholesteatoma. It was cured ultimately after total excision of the glomus tumor, cholesteatoma and the cerebellar abscess. We suggest to completely remove the infection surgically in order to avoid lethal complication of an otogenic cerebellar abscess.
