  • 期刊


Effects of Virtual Meetings on Medical Education in Otolaryngology During the COVID-19 Pandemic


背景:2019新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)對醫學教育的衝擊與挑戰前所未見,其中傳統上所熟悉的實體會議也因感染控制的考量、臨床業務重心的改變而被迫改為線上會議,然而線上會議相較實體會議,其品質及成效如何,則無前例可循。方法:本研究以問卷形式,分別調查2021年6月及7月,在臺灣疫情爆發後兩個月,舉行全面線上會議期間,耳鼻喉部內主治醫師、住院醫師、畢業後一般醫學訓練(post-graduate year, PGY)醫師以及醫學生之回饋。包含出席率、喜好實體或線上會議的傾向及其理由、線上會議之優缺點、以及對於醫學教育六大核心能力學習之影響等,進行分析。結果:本研究於2021年6月及7月分別收到31份以及24份回覆。其中主治醫師以及住院醫師在疫情期間(6、7月)採線上會議之出席率較疫情前後(4月、8月)實體會議之出席率高,且7月又比6月為高。若以疫情期間兩個月相比,7月醫師的出席率與線上會議滿意度較6月提升。對於會議的喜好程度,6月採用線上會議初期PGY醫師及醫學生普遍認為線上會議較佳,但7月後住院醫師以及主治醫師喜好線上會議的比例增加。針對會議內容、品質以及收穫方面,線上會議與實體會議相當,甚至在某些層面上優於實體會議。線上會議的優點有「較能充分利用時間」、「無場地人數及費用限制」;缺點為「會議品質受設備及網路影響」、「缺乏互動性」。線上會議對於醫學教育六大核心能力中的「醫學知識」、「專業素養」、「制度下之臨床工作」較有明顯助益。結論:線上會議及學術活動能克服時間以及空間的限制,若能排除軟硬體設備及技術等問題,在疫情期間,因受限於室內群聚人數限制,對於特定形式之醫學教育活動,其會議內容、品質以及收穫與實體會議相當,應是日後所有醫事人員在工作上討論及學習,不可或缺的常態活動之一,也是醫學教育上所必須發展建立的重點項目。


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented disruption in medical education. Conventional person-to-person educational didactics and meetings were replaced by virtual learning. However, the efficacy of online education remains unclear. METHODS: We employed a questionnaire in June and July of 2021 to evaluate the effects of virtual learning meetings on attending physicians, residents, and students in the Department of Otolaryngology at National Taiwan University Hospital during the pandemic. Through the items in our questionnaire, participants compared conventional and virtual meetings on the basis of attendance rates, personal preference, content and quality, and effectiveness in developing six core competencies. RESULTS: We received 31 and 24 responses in June and July of 2021, respectively. The reported attendance rates and preferences for virtual meetings among attending physicians and residents were higher in July compared with those in June; the reported attendance rates and preferences for both June and July were higher than those in April and August of 2021 (months of conventional meetings). Virtual meetings were not inferior to conventional meetings with respect to educational content and quality. Virtual meetings had the advantages of time saving, high accessibility, and flexibility and the disadvantages of high dependence on internet connection and a lack of interpersonal communication. Regarding the six core competencies, virtual meetings facilitate the mastery of "Medical knowledge", "Professionalism" and "System-based practice". CONCLUSIONS: The educational content and quality of virtual meetings were comparable to those of conventional meetings; virtual meetings or hybrid meetings could be integrated into medical education in the future especially under the pandemic era.


COVID-19 medical education pandemic virtual meeting
