

糖尿病 (Diabetes Mellitus) 主要可區分為第1型糖尿病 (Type 1 diabetes) 及第2型糖尿病 (Type 2 diabetes) 。由於盛行率及發生率的逐年增加,糖尿病已成為現階段主要的公共衛生課題。據估計全世界糖尿病病人數至2025年將上升至3億人(5.4%)。由於糖尿病患者常會伴隨併發症,包括大血管病變(如心臟血管疾病)、小血管病變(如視網膜病變、腎臟病變)及末梢神經病變,若不能有效控制血糖,以小血管病變而言,將會導致失明或末期腎病變,而末梢神經病變則將導致截肢等嚴重後遺症。 本文主要從實證醫學 (evidence-based medicine) 的角度,討論目前台灣地區糖尿及其併發症相關流行病學現況,希望藉由相關的文獻探討,以提供更多公共衛生訊息,並作為衛生機關日後建立相關篩檢及保健政策的參考,以便做好糖尿病病人之健康管理工作。(台灣衛誌 2002;21(2):83-96)


糖尿病 流行病學 併發症


Diabetes Mellitus can be divided into type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Because of its increasing prevalence and incidence, diabetes mellitus has become a major public health challenge. Based on the current trends, the population of diabetic individuals will swell to a staggering 300 million and have increased in prevalence to an estimated 5.4% by the year 2025. Those who have poor blood sugar control would have sequential complications, including macro vascular diseases (CVD), micro- vascular diseases (retinopathy and nephropathy), and neuropathy. Furthermore, these complication may progress to severe states, including blindness, end-stage renal disease, and amputation. From the evidence-based medical viewpoint, this article is especially focused on discussing the epidemiology of diabetes mellitus and its complications in Taiwan. We hope that this literatur review could provide more information in establishing screening strategies and health management programs popular diabetic subjects.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2002;21(2):83-96)


diabetes mellitus epidemiology complications


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張嘉斐(2007)。Leptin、 Ghrelin 、Glutathione以及oxidation 在於第二型糖尿病人與正常人兩者血液間之比較〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2007.00125
