  • 期刊


Evaluation and Promotion on the Cleaning Maintenance of Toilets in Mid-High/Elementary Schools in Taiwan


To upgrade the house-keeping, correct usage, and cleaning maintenance of toilets in the mid-high/elementary schools in Shin-Tsu and Miao-Lee counties, an evaluation and promotion program involving 255 schools were conducted by the joint efforts of a volunteer organization and an academic institute. This program was approached in two stages: (1) Evaluation. From questionnaires and field inspection, data were collected and analyzed. (2) Promotion. Through a series of conferences, correspondence, work-shop demonstration, local government enforcement, etc., message of toilets management in school was propagated. The current status of the school toilets in these two counties are generally satisfactory. Schools have received specific funds from Taiwan Government for hardware construction or remodeling during past 4 years. But, minor drawbacks and defects are still existed, such as: safety, male/female separation, privacy, water flushing, toilet paper, handicapped facilities, etc. From the sanitary inspection, before and after, the imprevement is statistical significant (Paired-t test, P<0.05). From the positive approval of K.A.P. inquiry over major issues in upgrading the toilets maintenance and the enthusiastic participation of all sectors (students, schools, government, and community), we are envisioning a better school toilets management in the near future.


廁所 清潔維護 評估 促進


To upgrade the house-keeping, correct usage, and cleaning maintenance of toilets in the mid-high/elementary schools in Shin-Tsu and Miao-Lee counties, an evaluation and promotion program involving 255 schools were conducted by the joint efforts of a volunteer organization and an academic institute. This program was approached in two stages: (1) Evaluation. From questionnaires and field inspection, data were collected and analyzed. (2) Promotion. Through a series of conferences, correspondence, work-shop demonstration, local government enforcement, etc., message of toilets management in school was propagated. The current status of the school toilets in these two counties are generally satisfactory. Schools have received specific funds from Taiwan Government for hardware construction or remodeling during past 4 years. But, minor drawbacks and defects are still existed, such as: safety, male/female separation, privacy, water flushing, toilet paper, handicapped facilities, etc. From the sanitary inspection, before and after, the imprevement is statistical significant (Paired-t test, P<0.05). From the positive approval of K.A.P. inquiry over major issues in upgrading the toilets maintenance and the enthusiastic participation of all sectors (students, schools, government, and community), we are envisioning a better school toilets management in the near future.
