  • 期刊


Discussion of Medical and Industrial Waste Treatment Policy




Objectives: This paper explores industrial waste treatment in light of current successes in the treatment of medical waste. The proper intermediate treatment rate for medical waste has exceed-ed 90%. The reasons and stages behind this achievement provide a possible model for improving treatment for other types of industrial waste. Methods: Regulatory and technical management methods practiced by public institutions at different stages were used to analyze the relationship between treatment facilities and treatment rates at different stages to understand reasons for successful implementation. Results: These reasons include: (1 )subsidies by the competent industrial authority to public hospitals for the construction of medical waste treatment facilities, (2)authorization by the public properties law for public facilities to be run by private operators, (3)government techni-cal assistance to help private contractors undertake such operations, (4)effective controls and au-diting by the competent industrial authority, (5)full cooperation between health and environmental department, (6)full cooperation with government waste treatment policies by the medical sector. Conclusion: Proper waste treatment rates for other industrial sectors tends to be low. All compe-tent industrial authorities should study local successful models, which will help them to treat industrial wastes properly and improve Taiwan's environment.


