  • 期刊


The effect of family acceptance on the physical and mental health of lesbian, gay and bisexual adults




家庭接納 同性戀 雙性戀 健康


Objectives: This study investigated the effects of family acceptance on the physical and mental health of LGB adults. Methods: Valid questionnaires were collected from 620 research participants, including 300 lesbians and gays, 125 bisexuals and 195 heterosexuals. The data were analyzed by MANOVA to examine the differences in the self-rated physical health, mental health and suicide ideation among lesbians and gays, bisexuals and heterosexuals. The data were also analyzed by a generalized linear model to examine the difference in the effects of family acceptance on the physical health, mental health and suicide ideation among lesbians and gays, bisexuals and heterosexuals. Results: LGB adults scored significantly higher than heterosexuals did on the scales on mental health symptoms and suicide ideation. Family acceptance was significantly correlated with physical health, mental health, and suicide ideation, regardless of the participants' sexual orientation. Family acceptance had a more significantly effect on LGB's mental health than on that of the heterosexual participants. Conclusions: Related agencies should develop specific mental health services for LGB adults and make efforts to increase family members' acceptance of LGB adults in order to promote their mental health.


family acceptance lesbian/gay bisexual health


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友善台灣聯盟:「台灣同志壓力處境問卷」調查結果初步分析。http://redmedia061.so-buy.com/ezfiles/redmedia061/img/img/103521/20120417LGBTPressureReport.pdf。引用2016/8/30。Friendly Taiwan Alliance. Preliminary analysis of survey results of LGBT individuals' stressful situations in Taiwan. Available at: http://redmedia061.so-buy.com/ezfiles/redmedia061/img/img/103521/20120417LGBTPressureReport.pdf. Accessed August 30, 2016. [In Chinese]


