  • 期刊


The use of modified Delphi method and health insurance database to develop feasible indicators for pediatric quality report card




Objectives: To develop pediatric indicators of public report card that are suitable for Taiwan's context and aligned with international standards. Methods: We referenced the pediatric indicators developed by international organizations and the literature and invited experts with specialties in pediatric and family medicine in order to extract their preferred indicators according to the selection criteria of importance, validity, and feasibility. The final results of the representative indicators were subsequently produced through different methods (i.e. professional meetings, modified Delphi, and aid from the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA)'s claims database). Results: We chose four pediatric disease fields: asthma, otitis media with effusion (OME), urine tract infection (UTI), and general outcomes (e.g. mortality). We next identified a total of 49 candidate indicators from these 4 fields (3 disease categories) and then finally selected 7 representative indicators for the pediatric quality report card, including 4 asthma-related indicators, 1 OME indicator, and 2 UTI indicators. The adherence rates for most of these indicators demonstrated steadily deteriorating trends of quality. Conclusions: We employed the modified Delphi method to elicit 7 representative indicators that are suitable for our context and aligned with international standards. The government can utilize our study's results to develop a pediatric quality report card for improving quality of pediatric care.


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