  • 期刊


Reconstruction of Ka'aluwan Village after the Typhoon Morakot: A Case Study on Disaster of Anthropology




The history of disaster anthropology began in mid-20th century. Instead of seeing disaster as an unpredictable accident, disaster anthropology developed a new concept after 1980s that deems disaster as a fundamental element of natural environment, and at the same time a structural feature of human system. In this way, disaster is related to politics, economy, and power. Disaster is therefore part of human society and culture. Ka'aluwan is a village located in the watershed of Taimali River in eastern Taiwan. It suffered huge disasters came along with typhoons in 2005 and 2009, including the lost of tens of houses and lands that were washed away in the floods. The floods damaged this village badly. However, in the reconstruction process, the charities flooded into the village and the inappropriate government policy impacted more than the natural phenomena. Aiming to rethink how anthropologists can contribute their expertise in the studies of disaster, this paper examines the culture conflicts and adaptations during the reconstruction process from the perspective of anthropology, and discusses the role of anthropology on the basis of the practical case.


