  • 期刊


The Impact of the System of Student Performing Art Exhibitions under the Japanese Occupation on Taiwan's Pioneering Dancers


本研究旨在探討日據時代教育體制中的「學藝會」,如何啟發當時前輩舞蹈家如蔡瑞月、李彩娥等的學舞動機。藉由文獻蒐尋與分析,舞蹈家們的傳記與在地耆老的訪談,得知前輩們舞蹈表演記憶的共通點,在於公學校(即基礎教育階段)的「學藝會」演出。日本殖民臺灣時期十分重視基礎教育,當時的教育政策依〈公學校令敕令案〉(1898)統一實施,「學藝會」的表演內容也大同小異。為呈現殖民時期教育的特殊性,本研究將以巴索.伯恩斯坦(Basil Bernstein)的「教育傳遞理論」(Towards a Theory of Education Transmission)為分析依據,同時援引裘恩.蕾森(June Layson)提出的舞蹈史料分類法(Methods in the historical study of dance),依照資料特質延伸探討「學藝會」演出對舞蹈前輩的影響。從宏觀教育傳遞觀點,詮釋過去所留下的重要歷史脈絡。「學藝會」是延伸自政治社會運動的產物,檢視「學藝會」舞蹈展演,可窺探出殖民官方以文化樹立日本權威形象的意義。本研究將提出如下結論:一、展演主體具有傳遞整體政治、社會、文化等氛圍的意圖。二、應審慎對待展演作品所傳遞的霸權關係。


This study aims to explore how the system of student performing art exhibitions inspired pioneering dancers, such as Rui-yueh Tsai, Tsai-er Lee, and so on, to learn dance. By means of collecting and analyzing academic data, the bibliographies of related pioneering dancers, and interviewing local seniors, we have learned that all of them share the same memories of dance performances from student performing art exhibitions in public schools (at elementary level). During the colonial period, elementary education was highly emphasized: education policy was established based upon "the Edict of Public Schools." The programs of the exhibition were almost the same. In order to characterize education during the colonial period, we invoke Basil Bernstein's Towards a Theory of Education Transmission (2003, 22). In addition, the classification method of Methods in the historical study of dance by June Layson (1986) (Yu-ling Chao, 2013, 69) is utilized to explore the impacts of the student performing art exhibition on the pioneering dancers, and to interpret the historical development from a broader angle. The student performing art exhibition serves as an elongation of political and social movements. Examining dance performance in the exhibition, we are able to peep into the colonial authority established by the cultural hegemony. The conclusions are drawn as follows. First, apart from the function of entertainment, the exhibition also intended to transmit the political and social atmosphere. Second, the hegemony of the exhibition shall be more fully emphasized after having explored the further study of the system of the exhibition.


王佐榮(2015)。帝國興亡下的日本.臺灣:1895-1945 年圖文歷史寫真。臺北:知兵堂文化出版社。
