  • 期刊


Emperical Study of Employee's Behavior Intention to the Use of the Document Submission/Approval System at a University


本研究旨在探討大學公文電子化線上簽核使用行為意向,藉由K大學公文電子化線上簽核推行期間,瞭解行政人員與兼任主管對於電子公文線上簽核之使用行為現況,並探討影響使用行為意向的因素,期能提供學校推動公文電子化線上簽核之參考,確保大學行政品質,有效提昇學校之競爭力。本研究以整合性科技接受模式(UTAUT)為基礎,加入網站服務品質,做為研究架構,透過問卷調查收集 K大學行政人員與兼任主管245份樣本,輔以深度訪談,以結構方程模式(SEM),進行分析及研究。研究結果發現使用行為意向會受到績效期望、助益條件與網站服務品質之影響。研究結果提供大學推動公文電子化線上簽核實務參考與改善之建議,俾能提昇電子公文線上簽核系統的可行性與實用性。


This study explores the user behavior of university administrative personnel regarding use of the Online Submission/Approval System for University Documents(OSASUD), which was promoted at "K-university" in Taiwan for a brief period of time. This study uses the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) as its basis for increasing website service quality, and modeling user behavior of OSASUD. The mode analysis and research was used through 245 survey questionnaires distributed among administrative personnel and supervisors at K-University; and the complement of structural equation modeling (SEM), Study results find that behavioral intention is affected by performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and website service quality. These study results provide practical suggestions for promoting the system, as well as improvement strategies and directions for enhancing the potential and practicality of OSASUD.
