  • 期刊


Yang Qiancheng and His Position in the History of Chinese Buddhism




楊虔誠 天燈 天柱岩 閩南文化 僑鄉信仰


Yang Qiancheng is said to be a Northern Song Dynasty person. He is from southern Fujian and has close ties with Taoism, Buddhism, and ethnic minority religions. Among the many historical sites, he was related to Mountain Tianzhu in Changtai where became the belief center of the overseas Chinese of Port Yuegang in Zhangzhou in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, it became the sweet spot of home town of overseas Chinese of the South-Fukien who going South Sea via Port Amoy. For the image of its changes, it should return to the historical situation and reveal the story behind the text. In the new development era of religious studies, we should use the research methods of historical anthropology to interpret them on the basis of the theoretical study of philosophical and religious studies.
