  • 期刊


Discussion on the Nature of Religion and Religious Affairs


本文題為《論宗教本質與宗教事務》,全文的要旨有四。其一是有關宗教存在的現實性,以及宗教對信眾精神生活的關係。法國哲學家孔德(A. Comte)把人類的思維歷程分為三個明確的階段,即:神學、形上學及科學,也就是宗教、哲學及實証科學。由於哲學及科學存在著極限性,因而宗教的存在是必然的。既然宗教信仰與世界各民族的歷史與文明息息相關,因此,宗教現象及宗教事務就自然成為學界的研究與觀察的對象。其二是有關宗教的排他性本質。宗教既然是一種有關世界觀、生命觀及人生觀的信仰,而信仰本身是存在著高度的主觀性。又由於宗教衝突不斷,因而宗教容忍與統合是必要的。其三是有關「宗教放任主義」,並指出宗教「自由」不宜視為等於「放任」,宗教必須受到道德及法律的規範。其四是對於社會與宗教之間的關係,提出「宗教事務」與「公民政府事務」之間的權限,而「公民政府事務」是以法治精神為基礎。當宗教超越道德與法律的規範時,「公民政府」就應當基於法治精神而對宗教進行干預,以維護公民免於傷害,並從而提升人文與社會品質。


This paper entitled "On the Nature of Religions and the Religious Affairs" can be understood as a contribution to analyze the concept of the nature of religions and religious Affairs, and its key concepts are as follows: (1) In reflecting upon the intellectual development of mankind, Comte believed that he discerned a pattern which characterized all fields of investigation alike. According to this law men pass through three distinguishable stages in their thinking. This pattern he described in what he called the law of the three stages. These stages he called theological, the metaphysical, and the scientific or positive. On the ground of the limitations of philosophy as well as science, the existence of religions can suffice the spiritual needs of the peoples. (2) All traditional religions including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. are mutually exclusive. But since no one can confirm that his faith is absolutely and uniquely correct, tolerance is therefore rational and necessary. (3) It is intended to criticize the concept of the so-called "religious freedom" in the sense of the ideology of laissez-faire in religion. (4) It is stressed that a line between religious affairs and the state interference in religions can be clearly defined. The former must be regulated by morality as well as public laws, while the latter is governed by laws in the field of civil affairs.

