

近十年來,儘管醫療水準大幅提昇,然而急性腎衰竭患者的死亡率仍居高不下,尤其在重症患者合併急性腎衰竭之死亡率更高達百分之五、六十。在2002年,急性透析品質創始小組(Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Group, ADQI)這個由腎臟科與急重症醫師所組成的團體提出一個新的診斷標準,就是RIFLE criteria並以急性腎損傷一詞(acute kidney injury)取代所謂的急性腎衰竭(acute renal failure)。於2005年,急性腎損傷照護網(Acute Kidney Injury Network,AKIN)進一步修訂RIFLE criteria。RIFLE和AKIN診斷標準更明確將急性腎損傷分期,提供了診斷分類的統一平台。以傳統的血清肌酸酐(serum creatinine)常常不能早期診斷急性腎損傷。目前已有一些生物標記如:NGAL、IL-18、KIM-1及cystatin C被認為能應用於早期診斷急性腎損傷。急性腎損傷如果能及早診斷,更早介入治療可爭取更長的有效治療時間,避免其衍生之合併症,並且能增加腎臟功能恢復的機會,最後改善病人的存活率。本文回顧近年文獻關於急性腎損傷定義的延革,病理生理的機轉,能早期反映急性腎損傷的生物標記,以及藥物治療與重症腎臟替代療法的新進展。


The definition of acute renal failure has not been unified during past five decades. Most clinicians used to define acute renal failure simply by the increase of serum creatinine arbitrarily. Without consistent criteria of acute renal failure, it has become a major barrier to integrate the clinical studies and daily clinical practice. In 2002, to resolve this issue, Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Group (ADOQI) suggested new diagnostic criteria, RIFLE criteria, for acute renal failure, which was nominated as acute kidney injury (AKI) later. This standardized diagnostic criterion not only provides a platform helping integrate clinical information about AKI but also promote the understanding of its epidemiology. In addition, with the advances of molecular medicine, different perspectives of pathophysiology in AKI can be reached deeply and are also cornerstones of many current developing therapeutic strategies and diagnostic biomarkers including NGAL, IL-18, KIM-1, and Cystatin-C. Early diagnosis of AKI would help primary clinicians prevent its further deterioration and related complications, and augment the chance of renal recovery. Conventional therapies for AKI including volume expansion, renal perfusion maintenance, nephrotoxicity avoidance, and renal replacement therapy (RRT) are still lack of consensus in detail. However, through large clinical trials and meticulous data analysis, both has greatly enhanced the strength of clinical evidence from which more practical recommendations could be extracted.


林伯儒(2014)。第一部分:芫荽水萃物對馬兜鈴酸腎毒性之減毒功效評估 第二部分:應用奈米金桿誘導斑馬魚螢光表現之評估〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00727
