  • 期刊


Nutrition Therapy for Overweight and Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Low Fat vs. Low Carbohydrate




The increasing prevalence and total population of diabetes is a global public health problem. The twin epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) present in the world. Almost 85% of T2DM is obese, which could be resulted from the lifestyle change. So diet modification remains essential to successful weight loss and blood sugar control. Strong evidence supports that nutrition therapy had multi-effects on weight loss blood sugar reduction and prevention of diabetes. Reported hemoglobin A1c (A1C) reductions from Nutrition therapy can be similar to or greater than what would be expected with treatment using currently available medication for T2DM. Both low carbohydrate diet and Low fat diet decrease body weight, reduce A1c and lower blood pressure for patients with T2DM. However the food quality is more important than macronutrient composition. Mediterranean diet, DASH and plant-based food all emphasize food quality. Less red meat, whole milk products processed food or refined sugars will decrease the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease or cancer.


