  • 期刊


Biologic Effects of Ascorbic Acid on High Dose Irradiated CHO and GBM Cells


目的:了解高劑量放射線照射時,維生素丙(ascorbic acid, AA)對於中國大頰鼠卵巢(CHO)及多形性神經膠質母細胞瘤(GBM8401)細胞輻射生物效應之影響。 材料與方法:本研究以體外繼代培養之CHO細胞及GBM8401細胞爲對象,將細胞各分爲對照及實驗組,對照組細胞只接受放射(8~16Gy),實驗組細胞先以AA處理後再接受與對照組相同之放射線照射。照射後的細胞經過十天的培養後以群落分析法計算出其生存分數,並以統計軟體中的線性平方模式(Linear-Quadratic model)繪出生存曲線,同時計算其α,β及α/β值。然後以這些輻射生物反應之參數分析AA對於這些細胞的輻射生物效應。 結果:以8~16Gy高劑量照射CHO及GBM8401細胞所造成之生存分數(survival fraction)隨著放射劑量之增加而快速遞減。以高劑量照射CHO細胞之α/β值爲4.43。而先以AA(0.025mg/ml)處理二小時再接受高劑量照射之CHO細胞α/β值爲9.28。同樣的,以8~16Gy高劑量照射GBM8401細胞之α/β值爲9.41。而先以AA處理再接受高劑量照射之BM8401細胞α/β值爲19.65。經由AA處理後,兩種細胞之生存曲線斜率都降低,其中以CHO細胞較明顯,此種輻射保護效應在8~16Gy之照射劑量範圍內隨著劑量增加而愈明顯。此外,經AA處理後,照射劑量愈高同一細胞之輻射敏感度也降的愈低。兩組細胞之α/β值都顯著增加。 結論:在高劑量放射線照射下,AA會降低CHO及GBM8401細胞的輻射生物效應,且劑量愈高比現象愈明顯。


Purpose: Study of the influence of ascorbic acid (AA) on the radiobiologic effects of high dose radiation on CHO and 0BM8401 cells. Materials and Methods: CHO and GBM84O1 cells grown in plateau phase were used in all experiments. Each cell line was further divided into control and experimental groups, respectively. Cells of control group received irradiation (8~16Gy) only. Cells of experimental group were treated with AA and then irradiated. After 10 days in culture, survival fractions of irradiated cells were analyzed by clonogenic assay. The survival curves and related parameters including α/β, and α/β were analyzed by Linear-Quadratic model. Results: The α/β values of irradiated CHO cells treated with and without AA were 9.28 and 4.43, respectively. Similarly, The α/β values of irradiated GBM8401 cells treated with and without AA were 19.65 and 9.41, respectively. Slopes of survival curves for both cells decreased after treatment with AA. However, it was more significant for CHO cells than GBM8401 cells. In addition, the higher the dose of radiation, the greater radio- protective effect of AA on cells. Conclusion: AA decreased the radiobiologic effects of CHO and GBM840I cells under high dose irradiation. The radioprotective effects of AA on these cells were proportional to radiation dose in the range of 8~16Gy.
