  • 期刊

Preliminary Results of Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma



目的:栓塞失敗後復發的晚期肝癌的治療結果通常很差,為了將肝臟放射治療的早期和晚期傷害減至最低,並保存最多正常肝臟組織。我們嘗試使用多分次立體定位放射治療來治療栓塞失敗後復發的晚期肝癌。 方法及材料:二十三位晚期肝癌病人接受了二十二分次總劑量55Gy的多分次立體定位放射治療,所有病人的副作用及反應均經過評估。 結果:治療結束後一個月平均腫瘤體積變小29%,二個月體積則為減少41%,三個月則為55%,再者十七位治療前甲型胎兒蛋白(AFP)升高的病人中,十五位(88 %)發現在治療後第一個月AFP均降低,其中十名(59%)更於治療後一個月時AFP降低到治療前的一半以下。 結論:對末期肝癌病患而言,這種多分次立體定位放射治療是一種可行的治療方式。


Purpose: The treatment result of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma failed from previous TACE is often unsatisfactory. To minimize the acute and late adverse effects of liver irradiation and preserve maximal normal liver tissue, fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (R/T) is used in our institute. Materials & Methods: Twenty-three patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma received fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy with 55Gy in 22 fractions. All patients were assessable for side effects and response. Results: The mean regression of turner volume was 29% at 1 month after completion of R?T, 41% at 2 months and 55% at 3 months. In 17 patients with elevated serum alpha-fetoptein (AFP), 15 (88%) were found to have response in the first month after R/T, 10 (59%) had regression of more than 50% of the original level at the first month after R/T. Conclusion: For patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, the fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy is a feasible modality and deserves further follow-up for outcome and toxicity.
