  • 期刊


Relationship Between Knowledge and Its Related Factors Among Hypertension Patients


背景與目的:高血壓患者認識及瞭解中風相關知識有助於降低中風的發生和確保中風發作時的即時反應。儘管高血壓患者是中風的高危險群,但有關於高血壓患者中風知識的數據資料仍缺乏。本研究目的在探討高血壓患者的中風知識及其相關影響因素。方法:採橫斷式調查性研究,於南桃園某區域醫院心臟內科門診收案,共有310位之高血壓患者進行調查。研究工具包括基本資料問卷、中風知識量表-中文版,以SPSS 17.0版進行建檔與統計分析。結果:本研究中75.5%的高血壓患者的中風知識低於平均水準,中風知識答錯率題項前二名為「哪個年齡層最容易中風」、「如果有疑似中風的症狀,應該什麼時候打電話叫救護車?」;中風知識自我認同知識缺口題項前二名為「台灣成年人中風發生率,每千人約有多少人?」、「短暫性腦缺血發作的警訊徵象大多於多久內消失?」。高血壓患者「年齡」與中風知識呈弱的負相關(r= -0.268,p < 0.001),而「教育程度」(F = 51.04,p < 0.001)、「家人是否罹患中風」(t = 2.65,p <0.001)、「是否接受中風相關衛教」(t = 2.74,p < 0.001)與中風知識有顯著差異。結論:由本研究結果顯示高血壓患者尚缺乏足夠中風知識,建議可透過公共或社會媒體幫助高血壓患者認識中風知識、安排患者於門診候診時給予衛教並透過提供教育光碟和相關知識之衛教單張提升患者的中風知識。


中風知識 高血壓 中風衛教


Background: Stroke knowledge in patients with hypertension is helpful for reducing incidences of stroke and to ensure a rapid response to disease onset. Although people with hypertension are at a high risk for strokes, there is still lack of data on stroke knowledge in patients with hypertension. Aims: To explore the relationship between stroke knowledge and its related factors among hypertension patients. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was done on 310 patients with hypertension who were recruited at the Cardiology Clinic of a regional teaching hospital in south Taoyuan. Surveys were conducted using a demographic questionnaire along with the Taiwanese version of the stroke knowledge test. Results: The majority of hypertension patients had a low level of stroke knowledge (75.5%). The 2 items with the highest wrong answer rate were "Which age group is more at risk of a stroke?", and "If someone has a stroke, when should you call an ambulance?" The 2 items with the highest rate of self-identified knowledge gaps were "What is the incidence of stroke among adults in Taiwan (approximately how many strokes per 1,000 people)?" and "How long does the warning sign of transient ischemic attack (TIA) disappear?" The "age" of patients with hypertension and stroke knowledge are negatively correlated (r = -.268; p < 0.001). "Educational level" (F = 51.04, p < 0.001), "family members with or without a stroke" (t = 2.65, P < 0.001), and "with or without a stroke related health education" (t=2.74, p < 0.001) for patients with hypertension and stroke knowledge showed significant differences. Conclusions: Our study clearly shows stroke knowledge deficits among patients with hypertension. The results suggest that public or social media, educational multimedia material or leaflets might be adopted to enrich knowledge about stroke of hypertensive patients, especially before and after the patients' visits to outpatient clinic.
