  • 期刊

Treatment of Anterior Open Bite, Left Molar Scissor Bite and Lower Arch Width Discrepancy in Primary Dentition



Scissor bite is one of the more unusual malocclusions in primary dentition. Early treatment of scissor bite has been advocated mainly to prevent functional jaw shift that can eventually lead to permanent skeletal asymmetry and temporomandibular joint pathosis. Persistent of long-time thumb sucking have been connected with increased overjet, decreased overbite, posterior crossbite, and anterior open bite. The purpose of this report is to discuss a case of 4 years 10 months boy of anterior open bite, left molar scissor bite and lower arch width discrepancy in primary dentition. This case was a 4 years 10 months boy diagnosed with posterior scissor bite of left side and lower arch width discrepancy combined with anterior open bite caused by the habit of thumb sucking. The Bluegrass appliance was used to maintain upper arch width and correct the habit of thumb sucking, while the William lingual expander was used to achieve lower arch expansion. After 6 months, the habit of thumb sucking was dropped, molar relationship was kept in mesial step with harmonic profile and occlusion. The Bluegrass appliance can be effectively used to correct thumb sucking habit. It is easy to fabricate and demonstrated good improvement of the dentoalveolar relationships. Scissor bite is one of the problems that need early intervention in primary dentition; otherwise, there are possibility that unsuitable growth and asymmetric development would have occurred in the oral-facial region, and dysfunctional occlusion might have developed in the mixed or permanent dentitions. When diagnosis and early treatment are properly carried out, normal occlusion can be achieved, which substantiates this case report.


