  • 期刊


Color Doppler Ultrasound Evaluation of the Ureteric Jet in a Patient with Completely Obstructive Uropathy Due to Ureteral Lithiasis


以彩色都卜勒超音波術觀察膀胱內的輸尿管射尿現象,可以瞭解單側輸尿管的動力學變化,並可藉以理解尿路阻塞的情況。本文介紹45歲女性病患,因罹患右側輸尿管結石併尿路完全阻塞而就診,藉此來闡述此功用。在飲下1,000 ml左右的無糖烏龍茶之後約30至60 min間,腎進入利尿期;此時,健常的左側輸尿管射尿速度為21.3 cm/sec,射尿時程為11.6 sec,單次射尿指數(輸尿管射尿指數)為247.08 cm,均屬正常範圍內。尿路完全阻塞的右側,則全無射尿現象。對於尿路阻塞症而言,以彩色都卜勒超音波術觀察輸尿管動力學變化,是值得推廣的診斷工具。


A new technique employing color Doppler ultrasound evaluation of the ureteric jet was recently developed to observe ureterodynamic changes in patients with obstructive uropathy. We report a case (female, 43-yr-old) of a right ureteral stone with complete obstruction to illustrate the usefulness of this method. The normal left ureter had a ejection velocity (Vmean) of ureteric jet of 21.3 cm/sec, a ejection duration (D) of 11.6 sec, and a ureterodynamic index (Vmean x D) of 247.08 cm;these were all within normal limits. In the obstructed right ureter, however, no ureteric jet was detected. This case illustrates that, color Doppler ultrasound evaluation of the ureteric jet can be of value for detection of obstructive uropathy.
