  • 期刊


The Emerging Roles of Biologic Target Therapy in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases: SLE as a Paradigm




Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the prototype systemic autoimmune disease. SLE is characterized by multiple immune regulation steps interplay between innate and adaptive immune systems. SLE pathogenesis involving complex trait disorder of cell death and immune clearance pathways leads to widespread loss of immune tolerance to self-antigen overload, cytokine and mediators of inflammation release and immune response cells differentiation. Type I Interferon alpha contributes to the progression of dendritic cell (antigen presenting cell) dysfunctions. The imbalance of cytokines and activation signal pathways that trigger T cell activation and differentiation results in over stimulated effect or T cells (TH1, TH2, TH17) differentiation and suppressed T regulatory cell differentiation. B cell hyperactivity by feedback loop network of adaptive immunity releasing pathogenic auto-antibodies and immune complexes formation ultimately plays a critical role in target organ damage. The conventional immune therapy of SLE often results in side effects of over suppressive immune targets. This article reviews the pathogenesis in systemic autoimmune diseases and the emerging role of new biologic target therapy in SLE.
