  • 期刊


Preliminary Application of Epilepsy Knowledge and Attitude Scales from the Parents of Epileptic Children




癲癇兒童家長 知識 態度


This quantitative study aims to explore the relationships between demographic data of parents with epileptic children, knowledge of epilepsy and attitude of epilepsy. The researcher recruited the parents with epileptic children from two pediatric clinics under the hospitals in Taichung. Several scales were adopted, including the demographic data of children and their parents, epileptic knowledge scale, epileptic attitude scale. All data were encoded into computer and statistically analyzed with the SPSS for Windows 12.0 packaged software. There were 110 parents enrolled in this study. Parents with college degree or hearing of epileptic supportive groups presented better knowledge on epilepsy. In attitude scale, parents showed negation toward both marriage and fertility issues and social stigma. Mothers held more positive attitude than fathers, while parents with younger children possess more positive attitude toward epilepsy. This study revealed that there is still a need to enhance parents who suffered from social stigma about seizure management and limitation of activity of epileptic children. In order to relieve their pain and improve the care quality of their children, public health education needs to elevate people's knowledge and attitude toward epilepsy.


children with epilepsy parents knowledge attitude
