  • 期刊


Curriculum of Doctor of Pharmacy at School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University: Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacy Administration


過去十數年間,世界各國都面臨醫療支出不斷攀升的議題,因此,如何兼顧治療效果與成本控制,已成為醫療體系與衛生行政機關的一項重要課題。藥物經濟評估以及藥事政策管理為近年來評估醫療效 益及健康政策的新興發展學門,臺大藥學為臺灣藥學教育領航的先驅,近年來亦積極規劃及整合藥物經 濟及藥事行政相關課程。本文將簡介藥物經濟以及藥事行政之應用以及臺大目前課程相關規劃,以期透過經驗分享與交流,更臻完備此藥學教育之新興領域。


During the past decades, the continuing and rapid growth of medical expenditure has raised serious concern worldwide. Therefore, how to deliver effective treatments at acceptable costs has become a significant issue to clinical practitioners and health authorities. Pharmacoeconomics and pharmacy administration are two disciplines recently evolved to evaluate the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being including clinical, economic, and patient-centered outcomes, which could be the best support to current challenges of the health care system. As a pioneer of pharmacy education in Taiwan, School of Pharmacy at National Taiwan University (NTU) has incorporate lectures of pharmacoeconomics and pharmacy administration in its current curriculum to empower our students with essential skills in this field, which will apply to their current and future practices. This article provides an overview on pharmacoeconomics and pharmacy administration and describes associated lectures included in the curriculum of School of Pharmacy, NTU. Our article is provided as a platform for experience sharing and served as an aid to renovate pharmacy education in Taiwan.


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National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. National Health Expenditure 2011. http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/ DOS/Statistic.aspx?f_list_no=312&fod_list_no=4534/ Accessed March 5, 2014."
