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Initial Battling COVID-19 of Taiwan Medical Association: A Key Element for Antiepidemic Success




How to be successful to prevent COVID-19 spread in Taiwan, Taiwan Medical Association (TMA) and the government each has its respective important function and roles. TMA focuses on four aspects: preparation of personal protective equipment (PPE), media network promotion, emergency response meeting for medical professionals and strive for medical reward in order to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in the future. Constructing the power of teamwork and consensus among medical professions and continue to safeguard the health and safety of the people in Taiwan. Four aspects of TMA are: (1) General mobilization at TMA to centrally allocate disease prevention resources for primary care facilities and secure the first line of defense. (2) TMA appears in media to strengthen confidence and knowledge about COVID-19 prevention among the population. (3) TMA hold emergency response meetings to reform the network of health care, epidemic prevention and safety community. (4) Regulatory allowance, compensation, relief, and reward for healthcare facilities working around the clock to prevent the spread of the pandemic. Looking back on the pandemic, TMA played a very important role and provided backup and supporting to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC). Through the cooperation between primary care and hospital physicians, professional and rigorous implementation of notification conditions, and strengthening clinical monitoring, we have successfully resolved several extremely urgent community epidemic crises. However, in the face of the domestic epidemic that may become tense again at any time, the medical professionals should work together and make every effort for Taiwan's epidemic prevention.


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