



"Electronic Medical Record Auto-reporting Project", a sub-project of the National Epidemic Cloud Project sponsored by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC), bridging the Healthcare Information System of hospitals with CDC Infectious Disease Reporting System, established and upgraded a web-based notification system in order to improve efficiency of surveillance of healthcare-associated, endemic, and epidemic infections. However, only a minor proportion of hospitals established a web-based system for notifiable infectious diseases according to a national survey released in 2017. Thus, this study describes a medical center's experience regarding development of an automatic data exchange system complementary to a web-based notification system. This involved process analysis, data architecture design and performance evaluation. At the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic in May 2021, the number of notifiable cases of COVID-19 at this hospital was up to 639 cases a day. We upgraded this system in order to overcome the overwhelming burden of reporting task, support personnel quickly learn to use this system for data exchange. We measured and compared the time for traditional notifications performed by infection control personnel and those performed through this upgraded system. For notification step it took 17.3±3.6 minutes versus 3.5±1.0 minutes, respectively. For laboratory specimen login step it took 4.7±0.5 minutes versus 1.9±0.6 minutes, respectively. In conclusion, the development process required multidisciplinary collaboration and time. Nevertheless, once successful implementation of the system, it saves person-hours and provides precise timely reporting or data exchange. In addition, infection control personnel may provide their professionalism and more focus on promoting bundle care and other prevention measures against healthcare-associated infections or cross transmission of epidemiologically pathogens. All these efforts contribute to epidemic control, quality of care, patient and occupation safety.


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林慧姬、張馨心、陳明源等:發展線上醫療照護相關泌尿道感染監測系統。台灣醫學 2020;24:690 - 9.
林慧姬、曾意儒、陳明源等:多重抗藥性菌株資訊自動化監測與應用。感染管制雜誌 2013;23;290-9.

