  • 期刊

Serum Eosinophil Cationic Protein in Patients with Bronchiolitis Caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus




背景:呼吸道融合病毒(Respiratory Syncytial Virusl, RSV)是造成細支氣管炎最主要的病因,過去的研究顯示,RSV感染與嬰幼兒反覆性喘鳴及氣喘的發生有關,本研究主要是探討嗜酸性白血球蛋白質(Eosinophil cationic protein, ECP)和RSV細支氣管炎之關連及與疾病嚴重程度和氣喘之相關性。 方法:於本院小兒科住院之細支質管炎患者(年齡6個月至2歲)於住院後接受血液檢測CBC,D/C及血清中RSV及ECP濃度及胸部X-ray檢查,並以動脈血氧飽和度及症狀指數來評估疾病嚴重度。本研究收集了37名RSV感染細支氣管炎做為實驗組,另選擇40名RSV陰性細支氣管炎做為對照組以茲比較。 結果:顯示ECP濃度在RSV感染細支氣管炎(15.18±7.82)較RSV陰性組(9.91±6.13)為高且統計學上有顯著差異,(P=0.01)。血氧飽和度RSV感染細支氣管炎(90.19±3.99%)低於RSV陰性組(93.15±3.37%)另亦有統計學上之顯著差異,(P=0.01)。症狀指數在RSV感染細支氣管炎(2.54±1.14)亦較RSV陰性組(1.97±0.91)顯著為高,(P=0.019)。 討論:此研究顯示:嗜酸性白血球及相關之發炎反應可能在RSV感染細支氣管炎及疾病嚴重度扮演了重要角色。在臨床應用上使用抗發炎藥物,抑制嗜酸性白血球及其後讀發炎反應,以減少病毒性細支氣管炎之嚴重性及預防氣喘之發生,也許可提供做為未來細支氣管炎治療的新模式,值得進一步之臨床研究與觀察。


”Background: Bronchiolitis is a common cause of wheezing among infant. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common infectious agent to cause bronchiolitis. A significant proportion of these infected children will experience further wheezing episodes and increased in cadences of bronchial hyperactivity. Methods: Thirty-seven children aged 6 months to 2 years admitted to our hospital due to RSV bronchiolitis were enrolled in this study. Blood samples were collected and analyzed. Forty children with RSV-negative bronchiolitis were selected as control for statistical analysis. Results: The differences in serum eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) concentrations in bronchiolitis between children with RSV bronchiolitis (15.18±7.82 ug/L) and those with RSV-negative (9.9l±6.l3 ug/L) were significant statistically (p=0.01). There were significant lower in SpO2 between RSV-infected group (90. 19±3.99%) and RSV-negative group (93.15±3.37%) (p=0.0l). The symptom scores in children with RSV bronchiolitis (2.5±1.14) were significantly higher than RSV-negative (1.97±0.91) bronchiolitis (p=0.019). Conclusion: The present study shows that eosinophils and their related inflammatory mechanism may play an important role in clinical severity and hypoxemia In RSV bronchiolitis. Administration of anti-inflammatory agents that inhibit migration and degranulation of eosinophils may be of clinical benefit.”
