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Rethinking the Role of L1 in the EFL Classroom





The issue of whether the use of the learner's first language should be prohibited or incorporated in EFL settings has been debated for years. This study is designed to investigate the attitudes of university-level EFL learners on the use of L1 in the English classroom. The participants were 966 students enrolled in general English classes at a comprehensive university in Taipei. The participants completed a questionnaire in their regular English class time. Quantitative methods were used to analyze the data. One-way ANOVA and independent-samples t-test were performed to examine the effects of proficiency level and year at college on students' opinions about the use of Chinese. The findings reveal that the higher proficiency English learners are not opposed to the use of Chinese in class, and the lower proficiency English learners depend on Chinese to facilitate their learning. Based on these findings, the researcher suggests that judiciously using Chinese should facilitate the students' learning. As the learners' proficiency improves, Chinese use in the classroom can be weaned away and English added gradually.


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