  • 期刊

Peritoneal CSF Pseudocyst Demonstrated on Scintigraphy With Tc-99m DTPA: A Case Report and Literature Review



Peritoneal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pseudocyst is a complication of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS), which rarely occurs in adults, so such case reports are rare. We report here that the recurrence of hydrocephalus in an adult patient was caused by a rare peritoneal CSF pseudocyst, which was confirmed by subsequent scintigraphy and computed tomography (CT). A 60-year-old woman presented with clinically progressive weakness of the lower limbs, unable to walk, silence and slow speech, bilateral hearing impairment, and urinary incontinence, but no headache, diplopia, nausea, and vomiting. The results of brain CT showed hydrocephalus. Therefore, she underwent surgery to insert the VPS, and then she recovered as usual. One month later, she underwent a brain CT follow-up examination, which showed that the ventricles had shrunk. About 8 months after the shunt procedure, her previous symptoms reappeared. In the beginning, she also had fever, nausea, and vomiting. During the physical examination, only the muscle power of the limbs decreased (grade 3), and other neurological examinations were normal. The abdomen was oval in shape, without focal tenderness. When she was in the emergency room, her fever had subsided. The test results of blood and CSF were within the normal range. Subsequent CT of the brain confirmed the recurrence of hydrocephalus, so she was referred to the Department of Nuclear Medicine for VPS examination. A rare peritoneal CSF pseudocyst was accidentally discovered, which was confirmed by abdominal CT. After the patient received a new replacement of the VPS, the symptoms disappeared and the original function was restored.


