  • 期刊


The Influence of Preceding Radionuclide Scintigraphy on Radioimmunoassay Results


前言:有時病患注射放射藥物進行造影檢查復又立即抽血進行放射免疫分析。由於病息血中已存有較高能量之放射性同位素,是否會影響放射免疫分析結果?本研究針對此問題進行病例觀察,並以實驗加以澄清。 方法:第一部分,回溯調閱先前已知放射免疫分析取樣前曾注射放射藥物之息者資料,當時接獲這些患者檢體復立即進行首次檢驗,且於檢體放置到放射活性衰變接近背景值時再進行第二次檢驗,比較兩次檢驗結果。本研究徵詢數位患者同意,於注射放射藥物前、後分別採集檢體進行分析,比較兩次檢驗結果。第二部分:收集更多檢體,將同一支檢體分裝成A、B兩管,一管爲一般血清,另一管則加入微量的鎝-99m,分別進行分析,並以T-test比較檢驗結果。 結果:第一部分:接獲檢體立即進行分析,其實驗反應物之放射活度計數與最後分析結果,都與檢體表變至背景值時才進行分析之結果相當接近。注射放射藥物前、復抽血檢驗,其實驗反應物之放射活度計數以及檢驗結果也相當接近,但因檢體件數太少,無法進行統計分析。第斗部份:同一支檢體分裝成A、B兩管,其中B管雖加入微量鎝-99m,其實驗反應物之放射活度計數及分析結果都與未加鎝-99m之A管一致。T-test統計分析P值爲0.16,表示兩組數據無統計學差異。 結論:病患接受核醫造影檢查不會影響放射免疫分析檢驗結果。


Introduction: Sometimes patients receive radioimmunoassay (RIA) examination after undergoing radionuclide scintigraphy. Does the pre-existing high-energy radioisotope in patients' blood influence the results of RIA? We focus on this question, observe cases and design experiments to clarify it. Methods: Part one-We retrospectively reviewed the data of patients who had been injected radioisotopes just before RIA examination. A first examination was performed immediately after obtaining blood samples form patients, and then the second examination was performed after the radioactivity in the blood decayed to the value near background activity. The two RIA results were compared with each other. Meanwhile we asked for several patients' consent to obtain their blood samples before and after injection of radioisotopes and examined these samples to clarify our questions by comparing the RIA results. Part two-We collected more blood samples and mimicked clinical real situation. We divided the same blood samples into two tubes: tube A contained the original blood sample while tracer amount of (superscript 99m)Tc was added into tube B; then the two tubes were examined separately and the RIA results were analyzed by paired T test. Results: Part I-We found that the radioactivity counts of bound form and the final RIA results were quite close between samples obtained immediately and after the radioactivity decayed to background value. Similarly, we found that the radioactivity counts of bound form and the final results of RIA were also accordable between blood samples obtained before and after radioisotopes injection. However, the samples were too few to be confirmed by statistics. Part two: Despite that tracer amount of (superscript 99m)Tc was added into tube B, the radioactivity counts and the final results showed no significant difference between the two tubes (P=0.16). Conclusion: According to the above study, we conclude that the results of RIA are not affected by the pre-existing radioactivity within the blood from radioisotopes injection for radionuclide scintigraphy.
