

低血鉀是最常見的電解質異常疾病,但卻也最常被忽略,因而導致嚴重甚至致命的併發症,如心律不整及呼吸衰竭。在此篇文章中,我們先介紹K^+ 的生理調控,將低血鉀的病因分類為細胞間的K^+ 轉移異常、醛固酮反應遠端小管的K^+ 排泄過多及腸胃道的K^+ 流失過多,接著提供關鍵的病史、身體檢查、血液酸鹼值與荷爾蒙以及尿液的電解質檢查來進行快速的鑑別診斷,最後我們討論低血鉀治療的一般通則以及針對個別低血鉀病因的特殊治療。


低血鉀 病生理 鑑別診斷 治療


Hypokalemia, the most commonly encountered electrolyte disorder, is often overlooked and leads to severe, even fatal, consequences, such as cardiac arrhythmia and respiratory failure. In this review, we introduce the normal regulations of potassium (K^+) homeostasis. Hypokalemia is mainly resulted from disturbing transcellular K^+ shifting, urinary K^+ secretion in aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron or intestinal K^+ absorption, and the etiologies of hypokalemia can be categorized into K^+ shifting and K^+ wasting disorders. We provide several important tips in history inquiry, physical exam, and interpretations of plasma acid-base state, renin, aldosterone, cortisol, and urinary K^+, sodium, and chloride excretions to achieve a prompt differential diagnosis. At last, the general principles of therapy and specific treatments to each disorder are discussed.


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