  • 學位論文


Maintenance Cost of Hospital Buildings-A Case Study of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH)

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


醫院為進行醫療行為與照護病人的場所,其建築的使用除了達到建築物運作的基本功能之外,更必須支援醫院所要提供的醫療服務並滿足病人在醫療、健康上的需求。尤其大型醫院還兼負醫學研究與醫學教學的重責大任,其建築規模與設備複雜度上皆有異於一般醫院或是建築物;因此,醫院為了要維持全年運作順利,必須瞭解醫院建築在生命週期營運階段過程中所會面臨的維護問題。 然而國內外尚無研究針對台灣本土大型醫院營運階段維護成本支出特性進行研究並提出有力數據。本研究以台灣大學醫學院附設醫院位於台北市中山南路與常德街上的東、西址院區為研究對象,透過醫院實際營運過程所發生之維護修繕案件進行維護成本之統計分析,嘗試建構本土性大型醫院之營運維護成本資料,並依據實際數據分析結果探討醫院建築在營運階段維護的維護支出成本與特性,從統計結果中歸納醫院建築在非定期與定期維護作業上之關鍵維護項目,提供醫院設備管理者執行醫院維護作業與醫院設計者在設計醫院建築時考量其建成後維護可行性、便利性與經濟性之參考。


Large hospitals such as medical centers provide not only medical services, but also carry the responsibilities for medical research and education. Besides serving the basic operating functions, the large hospital buildings also have to support the medical services in hospitals and satisfy the patient’s needs of health. In order to keep normal and smooth operations of hospitals, the hospital building's maintenance must be taken seriously. The facility managers must realize the problems will be faced in the maintenance of hospital buildings. However, there are few researches studied the large hospitals in Taiwan and focused on the properties of maintenance in the building’s operational phase. This paper used a case study of the East and the West buildings of the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) and attempted to establish a facilities management cost database of large hospitals in Taiwan. The data used in this research were obtained from NTUH on the facilities management costs of 16,920 maintenance cases. This paper analyzed these data to obtain the physical characteristics of large hospital buildings, and reveals the key items of facilities management for large hospitals, so the facility manager of hospitals can execute maintenance policy with statistic reference.


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王毓坤(2008)。PDA在醫院工務機電設備定期保養管理之運用 —以永和耕莘醫院為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.00205
