  • 學位論文


Operational Management of University Library Based on Life-Cycle Cost Analysis

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


建築物於生命週期之設計與營造階段,大多著重於機能、成本、美觀、進度與品質,卻常忽略了設備系統在規劃上的前瞻性考量及使用維護計畫上的整合;建築物興建完成啟用後,設備的日常使用維護往往需付出額外的人力資源與龐大的固定支出。在政府財政日漸萎縮,補助學校預算逐年劇減,學校建築的日常設備營運維護難度日益升高。短絀的預算,加上對預防規劃與策略的不足已使得能源費用成為校方預算編列的要項,許多校舍被迫於自負盈虧,亟待各界之正視與策略研究之提出。 大學圖書館往往是國立大學校園建築中最具代表性的建築物,具有使用時間長及使用頻率高的特性,更是學校建築維護管理及節能評估的研究重點,因此本研究以台灣大學新總圖書館(屋齡9年)、台灣大學舊總圖書館(屋齡78年)、政治大學中正圖書館(屋齡29年)為研究對象,蒐集近50年歷史營運維護資料進行研究,探討建築生命週期成本(Life Cycle Cost; LCC)中的營運成本分配情形。本研究發現:營運與能源費用是圖書館建築在LCC策略規劃上的重點。台灣大學新總圖書館一年之能源營運費用即近乎於使用至今之所有建築物維護費用。再者,本研究以照明、空調兩個成本構面,經實際數據評估,針對圖書館建築各空間照明及空調現況提出節能改良建議,以利預算編列參考之用;最後,經歸納彙整各案例維護營運狀況,針對個案例歷史背景、興建年代以及校園發展等因素提出個案例圖書館營運管理策略。


During plan and construction stage, architects and users much focus on the function, cost, schedule, quality, and even facade, but less pay attention to the integration of facilities and its maintenance planning. That makes the result that lots of budget puts into the extra human resource and fixed maintenance expense for the daily operation. Also, due to the decreasing subsidy from government, the difficulties in building maintenance of each school have become apparent. Shortages in budget as well as the disregard of planning and scheming have directly led utility cost a great drain. More and more colleges have to take responsibility for their budget balance, which problem calls for immediate solution. Library is the most representative building in national university campus. The long using duration and high frequency makes library become a good research target from maintenance and energy-saving points of view. This study examines the brick-made Old Main Library in National Taiwan University (78 years)、the reinforced concrete-made National Taiwan University Library (9 years), and the reinforced concrete-made National Chengchi University Library (29 years) with real data of the last fifty years, and investigate the distribution of maintenance and operation in Life Cycle Cost (LCC). The study concludes that utility cost is the main expense and needs to be paid much attention. The utility cost per year is almost equal to all maintenance cost in National Taiwan University library. Furthermore, through evaluating illumination system and air condition cost, the study proposes improvable suggestions for library managers from cost saving perspective. Finally, according to the analysis of repairing items of each case study, some operational management strategies are presented for future improvement.


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16. 潘淑惠,「大學圖書館使用者空間需求之研究」,臺灣大學圖書資訊學系碩士論文,2005。
18. 羅昱盈,「以生命週期成本觀點研析學生宿舍建築之維護成本與策略」,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文,2006。
1. 大學圖書館設立及營運基準。


