  • 學位論文


Effects of Truffle Inoculation on the Growth of Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst and the Competivity of Scleroderma areolatum Her. to the Truffle Mycorrhizae

指導教授 : 胡弘道


本研究目的為(1)確認青剛櫟(Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst)幼苗接種塊菌(Tuber sp.)對生長效應之影響,(2)龜紋硬皮馬勃(Scleroderma areolatum Her.)對塊菌菌根形成之競爭作用及(3)比較龜紋硬皮馬勃與塊菌在YMT培養基中之競爭狀態。 青剛櫟幼苗經接種台灣塊菌(Tuber formosanum Hu)及印度塊菌(Tuber indicum Cooke & Massee )後,較未接種者可顯著的促進苗高生長、地際直徑、地上部乾重及地下部乾重及地下部之重量生長;且前者之T/R率亦明顯的低於後者。 龜紋硬皮馬勃接種至一年生已形成台灣塊菌及印度塊菌菌根之青剛櫟幼苗二個月後,龜紋硬皮馬勃能形成典型之白色外生菌根,並能自其菌根外形成菌索感染未形成菌根之短根,亦能感染已感染形成塊菌菌根之部分,最後並將其整個包覆。因此接種龜紋硬皮馬勃能減少及抑制台灣塊菌及印度塊菌之菌根形成。青剛櫟塊菌菌根苗接種龜紋硬皮馬勃後二個月,與單獨接種塊菌時類似,同樣可促進青剛櫟幼苗之生長。 由YMT洋菜培養基為介質,進行台灣塊菌與龜紋硬皮馬勃、印度塊菌與龜紋硬皮馬勃等相互間菌落競爭試驗。結果顯示以台灣塊菌及印度塊菌皆具有較佳之菌落生長,皆能使龜紋硬皮馬勃菌落生長受到影響;尤其菌落競爭勢力上,亦以印度塊菌菌落佔優勢。本試驗結束時,印度塊菌菌落會發生覆蓋龜紋硬皮馬勃菌落。台灣塊菌與龜紋硬皮馬勃之菌落菌絲至培養後期混和生存。試驗期間並未觀察到印度塊菌菌落與龜紋硬皮馬勃菌落及台灣塊菌與龜紋硬皮馬勃之菌絲有融合現象。


The purposes of this study were to (1) confirm the effect of truffle inoculation on the seedlings growth of Cyclobalanopsis glauca, (2) observe the competition of Scleroderma areolatum to the mycorrhizae formed either by Tuber formosanom or T. indicum and (3) compare the competition of S. areolatum to the truffle cultured on YMT agar medium. After the seedlings of C. glauca were inoculated with T. formosanum and T. indicum , the height growth, root collar diameter, top dry weight and root dry weight were much more significantly stimulated than those of non-inoculated seedlings. The T/R ratio of both Tuber-inoculated seedlings was significantly lower than those of non-inoculated seedlings. S. areolatum could form typical white ectomycorrhizae , when it was inoculated to one year’s old C. glauca seedlings mycorrhized either with T. formosanum or T. indicum two months later after inoculation. The other uninoculated rootlets could be infected by the rhizomorph extended from white ectomycorrhiza. The rhizomorph could also infect the Tuber-infected ectomycorrhizae and finally enveloped it. Therefore, the inoculation of S. areolatum could reduce or impede the mycorrhiza formation formed by T. formosanum or T. indicum . The Tuber- mycorrhized C. glauca seedlings inoculated with S. areolatum two months later could also stimulate seedlings growth, as the seedlings were inoculated with truffle only. YMT agar medium was used to test the colony competition between T. formosanum and S. areolatum, T. formosanum and S. areolatum each other. The results showed that the colony growth of either T. formosanum or T. indicum grew much quicker than that of S. areolatum, and could impact the growth of S. areolatum. There was compete dominance for the colony growth of T. indicum , especially. The colony of T. indicum could cover the colony of S. areolatum at the end of the test. The colony of T. formosanum and S. areolatum grew mixedly each other at the late stage. Neither the hyphal anastomoses of T. indicum and S. areolatum, nor the hyphal anastomoses of T. formosanum and S. areolatum were observed.


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