  • 學位論文


The multiple roles of pictures in advertisements: The influences of picture relevance, picture attractiveness, argument quality and involvement on consumers' attitudes

指導教授 : 簡怡雯


圖片在消費者的訊息處理及說服過程當中扮演非常重要的角色。根據過去的理論研究發現,圖片的確對消費者的態度有顯著的影響。這篇研究主要的目的是探討與圖片相關的屬性,如:圖片與產品的相關性及圖片的吸引力加上訊息品質與消費者涉入程度之後,對消費者態度之影響。1本研究的目標著重在一般平面媒體的廣告,如:雜誌上的平面廣告,並且引用說服變數的多重角色這篇理論來驗證圖片吸引力和訊息品質在不同相關性的圖片與涉入程度之下,如何影響受測者在觀看平面廣告之後的產品態度。 根據說服變數的多重角色這篇理論及本研究,在高涉入的情況下,當受測者觀看的平面廣告含有與產品相關且具吸引力的圖片時,圖片吸引力會對受測者的態度產生顯著的影響。當受測者觀看的平面廣告含有與產品不相關且不具吸引力的圖片時,圖片吸引力對受測者的態度就不會產生任何的影響。最後在低涉入的情況下,圖片吸引力會依照週邊線索的方式對受測者的產品態度產生影響。


Pictures often play a major role in persuasive messages. We know that a pictorial stimulus makes considerable sense given the variety of ways in which they can facilitate persuasion. This study examines how involvement and picture-product relevance moderate the consumers’ processing. Besides, the study also concerns how picture attractiveness and argument quality have its impact on consumers’ product attitudes when the two moderators are functioning. It is based on previous results of researches in the field of consumers’ processing and we apply the concept of dual-process theories especially the perspective of multiple roles of persuasion variables to explain our study findings. The results show that in the high-involvement and product-relevant picture condition, participants who are exposed to an attractive picture ad will generate more favorable product attitudes than those who are exposed to an unattractive picture. Comparatively in the high-involvement and product-irrelevant picture condition, no matter whether the picture is attractive or not, the picture doesn’t have any impact on attitudes toward the product. Finally this study also confirms some prior studies concluding that in the low-involvement condition, variables can have its impact on consumers’ product attitudes via peripheral route.


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