  • 學位論文

以SOA對傳統空間決策工作流之重構過程研究 -- 以北市「山坡地土地可利用限度查定作業數位化」作業為例

Applying SOA in Refactoring of Classic Spatial Decision Workflow - A Case Study of the Project “The digitization of identifying the landuse-level of mountainside lands ” of Taipei City

指導教授 : 朱子豪


服務導向架構(SOA,Service Oriented Architecture )為一種新興的系統架構模型,而這種以「服務」為基礎的系統架構模型在近年來越來越廣泛應用於企業的IT架構改良,目的則是為了增進企業應用系統運行的彈性及應變能力。而以傳統空間決策之作業過程來看,經常牽涉到許多散佈各地的地理資料或是轉化過後的空間資訊,並往往是需要眾多單位的協同作業;如何以服務導向架構來改良傳統的空間決策工作流程則是GIS應用實務上的新興課題。 本研究除了引入資訊系統領域現行在服務導向架構之實作技術,如網路服務技術觀念,更著重於服務導向架構技術中的工作流(work flow)面向,結合BPEL的工作流塑模語言之標準技術,以台北市政府產業發展局之「山坡地土地可利用限度查定作業數位化」計畫為研究之案例,針對傳統典型之空間決策過程的運行方式做架構性之重構(refactoring)研究,並以系統架構師的角度提出SOA為主軸思考的系統分析設計方式。 本研究亦針對服務導向架構中的服務鏈、服務粒度、重用性,及空間服務單元的特殊性進行分析探討。由一般IT企業的SOA以資訊、人員、流程、連通性、重用性的檢視角度來切入到空間決策工作流程,在以公部門為主的空間業務環境下,GIS套用於SOA的架構下不但可解決資源重複的問題以提高重用性及應變性;而同時在研究探討過程也整理出公部門之空間業務與一般商業IT的商務流程的特殊點,以提供一套在這樣框架下的傳統空間業務工作流程要進行重構為SOA的參考方向。


Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an oncoming system architecture model. This service-based architecture model was widely applied in improving the Infoamation Technology (IT) architecture of enterprises in the past few years. SOA is used to reach a goal of promoting the flexibility of enterprise-appplications. Spatial decision-making processes have always involved distributed geographic data and extracted spatial information, and need the collaboration of departments. So it becomes an issue for GIS applications to discuss about how to apply SOA to improve the traditional workflow of Spatial decision-making. This paper applies the technology of implementing SOA in IT domains such as WebService technology. Furthermore, this study places emphasis on the workflow aspect of SOA and combines the technology standards of workflow modeling language such as BPEL.In this paper we take the project “The digitization of identifying the landuse-level of mountainside lands ” of the DED (Dapartment of Economic Development) of Taipei City Government for case-study to discuss the refactoring of classic spatial decision-making processes and architecture. Also,this paper discusses the issues of service chain, granularity,reuse, and the particularity of spatial service unit.In the general IT environment, it often probes SOA from People, Process, Information, Connectivity and Reuse viewpoints. From these viewpoints, we examined the spatial business workflow mostly based on public departments and discovered that the combination of GIS and SOA solves the duplication resource problems and improves the reuse and flexibility. In the process of study, the special characteristics between spatial and common IT business were also generalized.. This study offers reference for traditional spatial decision-making workflow that is refactoring to SOA.


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