  • 學位論文


Surveys on the Damage of Buried Pipeline After Earthquake

指導教授 : 田堯彰


地下維生管線系統包含有自來水、電力、電信、天然氣及汙水下水道設施等等,每項設施皆與日常生活息息相關。由九二一大地震後可知,地下維生管線之損壞除了直接影響生活機能外,也間接對生命財產之影響更是不容忽視。 本文將介紹目前研究中對於不同模式破壞所使用之方法,其中包括斷層模式、液化模式與波傳模式,三個破壞模式當中最重要之參數分別為斷層滑動距離、土層抗液化剪應力與最大地表加速度。並介紹目前世界各國對於地下自來水管之規範,其中包含日本、中國大陸與台灣之地下管線規範。此可對於不同破壞模式上有一套比較完整之設計與檢核之方法。第四章更引用前人之研究對於實際災損調查做一詳細介紹並且以簡化分析法之理論方法推估管線之災損狀況與其建立易損性曲線後之應用。


Buried life supply system includes water supply system, power system, communication system, gas system, and sewer system, etc. Each of the systems has close relationship to our daily life. After Chi-Chi earthquake, it is known that the damage of buried life supply system not only could influence our life function directly, but also it could destroy our life and fortune immediately. The present thesis is aimed to give the readers an introduction of different pipeline destruction modes in recent researches. There are three major types of damage mechanisms, which are named fault rupture, wave propagation, and soil liquefaction. The key parameters associated with damage evaluation consist of fault dip distance, peak ground velocity, and liquefaction potential index. In chapter three, the present thesis will introduce the buried pipeline codes in the world, and they are Japan, Main China and Taiwan. Chapter four shows the fragility curves including analytical method and empirical method.


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