  • 學位論文

手機 ODM 廠商營運模式與轉型之個案研究

A Case Study on the Business Model and Transformation of a Handset Manufacturing Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


隨著電子產業的微利化,如何創造價值、開創藍海策略,便成為學術與實務界共同關心的議題。本研究針對此一議題,以一家台灣手機製造廠商如何從代工轉型發展品牌業務為個案,探討此一轉型的關鍵因素,以及其未來可能面臨的國際組織管理問題,期能提供相關理論與實務參考。 本研究發現,產業特性及企業發展背景是個案公司能在藉由當時能見度不是很高的「智慧型手機」利基市場中,順勢發展能耐並走出一片天的重要因素,藉著產品策略的聚焦,為顧客及公司創造價值躍進,進而開啟較低度競爭的市場空間,是個案公司成功的軌跡。隨著產業快速變化與新的競爭者加入,個案公司重新定位為軟體整合廠商、而非製造商,同時走向自有品牌策略;但此一策略轉變面臨組織需要由製造生產導向的全球化,走向市場品牌經營導向全球化,組織轉型便成為必要的條件。 本研究因此提出幾項重要的策略建議方案:其一、加強品牌建立:如何在自有品牌與現有ODM與主要電信大廠間避開直接利益衝突的將會是營收的一大考驗;其二、保持持續的能耐領先:如何能與當地消費者接軌,如何了解通路運作是全球化業務系統的使命,配合品牌建立的同時,能具足本土市場的經營能力,兼具服務及供應商的角色並持續領先能耐,是轉型成功的關鍵;其三、建立跨國組織管理系統:如何調整總部與子公司的指揮系統,能讓財務、業務、技術、售後服務、品質能徹底由總部執行至組織底層,使個案公司成為真正全球化大廠。


As profit margin becomes slim, how to create value through establishing a blue ocean strategy has been a management mandate for almost every electronics companies in Taiwan. Based on a real case, MI, this research explores factors that determines a successful transformation of MI from a subcontracting manufacturer to a company moving toward global branding. This thesis first discusses the industry characteristics and founding conditions of MI with a special emphasis on its entry into smart phone sector which was an insignificant sector in the overall handset market. Due to product focused strategy and excellent engineering capabilities developed through ODM businesses, MI builds up its competence architecture and competitiveness. With increasing competition, MI gradually leverages such a competence to own-brand market through collaborating with telecom operators in the global market. Such a strategy redirects MI from a production- oriented globalization to a brand-oriented globalization, a change which requires MI to go through organization transformation in the following aspects: 1. Branding: How to develop own brand without cannibalization with the existing telecom operator and ODM model; 2. Sustaining Strategic Competence: How to sustain competence to keep the leadership in smart phone business segment; 3. Transnational organization and management: How to build an effective Head Quarter function to integrate global operation from sales, marketing , financial and human resource.


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