  • 學位論文


The Effect of Foreign Workers on Plant Productivity and Wage— Evidence from Taiwan Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 劉錦添


自1989年引進以來,外勞的爭議已久。本文期待藉實證釐清外勞的經濟效果,並找到同時利於產業、本勞、外勞的政策方向。有別於直接論證外勞與本勞為替代或互補關係,本文以1998~2003年台灣製造業、電子業工廠的Matched Employee-Employer Data為實證基礎,從「生產力分析」來觀察外勞對於工廠附加價值、平均勞動附加價值、Levinsohn-Petrin生產力、及本勞工資的影響。   控制來自工廠、員工的各個變數之後,實證結果顯示,外勞雇用在附加價值上呈現強烈邊際效益遞減的狀況,製造業、電子業雇用外勞對於附加價值分別有13.0%、13.6%的貢獻,但隨雇用每增加1%僅貢獻0.0735%、0.0327%;生產力部分,外勞雇用皆會使生產力上升20~30%左右,然而隨著雇用的外勞比例上升將造成其貢獻越趨下降;工資方面,有雇用外勞廠商其薪資較高,可能反映了工資較高因而雇用外勞的內生性,然而隨著雇用比例越高,本勞薪資明顯隨之下降,亦證實了外勞比例越高將壓低本勞工資的假設。   以「缺工」邏輯來看,實證結果代表雇用外勞可有效填補「缺工」提升生產力,但當外勞比例不斷升高,降低廠商對於本勞的勞動需求,使得本勞被取代的幅度隨之上升,促使本勞薪資下滑、工廠生產力降低。藉由控制「缺工」變數發現,「超越缺工」之工廠其附加價值、AVL、Levinsohn-Petrin生產力、工資的確皆具有下降趨勢,然而不全然顯著;產業雇用外勞效果上發現,資訊電子業引進外勞對於生產力貢獻最大,本勞薪資被壓抑的幅度較小。   由本文可看出,外勞雖對生產力有所貢獻,但隨著外勞比例越高將降低工廠生產力及本勞工資,故本文建議政策上可朝向以「真實缺工人數」作為開放標準,並提升在台外勞的勞動權益,以降低雇主以外勞取代本勞的誘因,避免因外勞比例上升而導致產業生產力、本勞工資雙雙下降的狀況。


外勞 生產力 薪資 缺工 製造業 電子業 合併資料


Foreign workers have caused a lot of controversy in Taiwan since 1989 when employment of foreign workers formally took effect. This paper aims to clarify the economic effects brought by foreign workers through empirical practices, and thereby locate corresponding policy inferences. Instead of proving the relationship between foreign and local workers to be complementary or substitutional, this paper uses the Matched Employee-Employer Data of Taiwan manufacturing and electronics industry from 1998 to 2003 to analyze the productivity of foreign workers while outlining the influence of their productivity on the added value of the plants, the average added value of the labor, Levinsohn-Petrin productivity and the wages of local workers. When all the variables induced by plants and workers are effectively controlled, the empirical results indicate that the marginal effect of the added value brought by the employment of foreign workers diminishes quickly. When foreign workers are employed in manufacturing or electronics industries, the added value will rise 13.0% and 13.6% respectively. With an increase of 1% of the foreign workers employed, however, the added value will only rise 0.0735% and 0.0327% respectively. On the part of productivity, the employment of foreign workers will elevate the productivity by 20-30% generally. With the rising of the percentage of foreign workers employed, however, their contribution to the productivity decreases accordingly. As for the wages, local workers’ average wage in plants with foreign workers employed is higher, but it may reflect the simultaneous causality that higher wages cause the employment of foreign workers. However, when the employment rate of foreign workers gets higher, the average wage of local workers becomes significantly lower, proving the hypothesis that foreign workers can bring negative impact on local workers. From the perspective of “shortage of labors,” the empirical results prove that the employment of foreign workers can effectively solve this problem and thereby raise the productivity. With the employment rate of foreign workers getting higher and higher, however, the demand of labor provided by local workers will be getting lower and lower, and the percentage of local workers replaced by foreign worker will rise, causing the lowering of wages of local workers and the decline of productivity at plants. When the variable “shortage of labors” is controlled, the added value, AVL, Levinsohn-Petrin productivity, and the average wages of local workers of those plants that are "beyond the shortage of labors" all demonstrate a downward trend, but not entirely obvious. On the other hand, we can see that, when compared to other industries, employment of foreign workers in the information & electronics industry induces highest productivity growth and brings the least impact on the wages of local workers. In conclusion, in spite of the contribution to productivity, higher proportion of foreign workers would reduce both the plant productivity and the wages of local workers. Therefore, the inference of the result is that when opening up the vacancies to foreign workers, our government should base on the "real number of the shortage of labors," while improving the labor rights of foreign workers in Taiwan at the same time. As a result, the incentives for employers to employ foreign workers to replace local ones will be reduced, and the decline in the plant productivity and wages of local workers propelled by increased proportion of foreign workers can thus be avoided.


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