  • 學位論文


Novel Control Design for Intercepting Missile with Passive Ranging System

指導教授 : 傅立成


在恐怖主義高漲以及資源競爭激烈的時代,為了防範及保衛國土的安全,國防工業的發展勢必為國家安全最重要的指標。其中,飛彈系統的研究是各國競相發展的重點武器之一。本篇論文討論飛彈系統的三個主要決策部分:偵搜器,導引法則以及自動駕駛儀。首先,在偵搜器的設計中,我們使用被動式測距技術來實現,其原理係利用交互式多模型(Interacting Multiple Models)結合修正球座標(Modified Spherical Coordinate)下之延伸卡爾曼濾波器(Extended Kalman Filter)來偵察以及追蹤目標物的軌跡以及相對資訊;導引率的部分,考量目標估測中產生的誤差,利用順滑模態控制理論(Sliding Mode Control)來進行設計。此外,針對自動駕駛儀,我們同樣利用順滑模態控制理論來實現。在整合飛彈系統的過程中,我們考量姿態誤差造成的影響來修正導引率,其穩定性則藉由李奧普洛夫定理(Lyapunov Stability Theory)來分析及證明。在飛彈模型方面,我們使用了無翼面的彈體設計。使用無翼面彈體的好處是可以讓空氣動力學的非線性效應對飛彈的影響減到最小。在動力方面則使用推力向量控制(Thrust Vector Control)及側噴流控制系統(Divert Control System),這可以讓飛彈的活動範圍自大氣層內延伸至外太空。為了驗證所設計控制器的性能,我們做了多樣的模擬,並且將空氣動力模型包含在其中。透過不同場景的模擬,來驗證本篇論文提出的被動式測距以及整合飛彈系統。最後,比較不同的目標物機動運動,來分析與討論系統的可行型與穩定性。


This thesis presents the three main parts of the missile system: estimator/seeker, guidance Law and autopilot system. The estimator/seeker is developed with a passive ranging law by using angle-only measurements for acquiring better covert operation. The guidance law is designed with the sliding-mode theory, for minimizing the distance between the missile and the target. The autopilot system based on quaternion representation is also designed using sliding mode control method to generate the attitude command. The stability of the integrated guidance/autopilot system is proved with Lyapunov stability theory. In addition, the actuator of missile is equipped with Thrust Vector Control (TVC) and Divert Control System (DCS) in order to extend the operation range from endo-atmosphere to exo-atmosphere. Finally, various simulations incorporating aerodynamics model are presented to verify the validity of the proposal Seeker/Estimator and integrated Guidance/Autopilot systems, and we compare the performance of the simulations with that from the previous works. Moreover, the simulation results reveal that the mission of intercepting a maneuvering target is successful.


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